The ِAlmeshwar series - Mohamed Ramadan 2022The series "Al-Meshwar" revolves around "Maher", who embodies his character, Muhammad Ramadan, and is involved in some way in the world of antiquities trade, and finds himself wanted by justice, to enter into a journey of escape with his wife "Ward", embodied by the artist Dina El-Sherbiny, from a policeman chasing them.Heroes of the Journey seriesA group of the most prominent stars of acting in Egypt will participate in the series "Al-Meshwar", alongside Mohamed Ramadan, the hero of the work, including Dina El-Sherbiny, Iyad Nassar, Ahmed Magdy, Bayoumi Fouad, Amr Abdel Jalil, Sabri Fawaz, Ahmed Kamal, Sabri Abdel Moneim and others, and the work is a story. Screenplay by Mohamed Farid, produced by Media Hub and directed by Mohamed Yassin.This application was created by me, because I am a fan of the characters of the series, and I do not mind if the producers and characters of this series contact me to delete the application.This application was created from a category that is liked in the content, and if you want to delete the application, all you have to do is write to us at the following email,
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